Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Templars - the western warrior monks

It begins
Around the year 1119 a small, select group of 9 knights under supervision of the French knight Hugo De Payens and the Flemish knight Godfried van Sint-Omaars established a small order of warrior monks to protect the pilgrims traveling from Europe to the Holy Land. They called themselves: The Order of the Poor Knights of Christ.
They accepted the rule of the Holy Augustinus and swore vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. The Order and their Rules were approved by the patriarch of Jerusalem (or: Ierosalym).

Their first goal was to fight against raiders, robbers and marauders along the roads traveled by the Pilgrims. For that they were highly appreciated. Initially their only income consisted of alms. The King of Jerusalem (or: Ierosalym) came to their aid and he granted them shelter in his Palace, which was situated in the "Al-Aqsa Mosque" on the square of the former "Temple of Solomon".

Symbolism of the new shelter
Abraham made his sacrifice there, Jakob had his visions of the stairway reaching towards heaven, Solomon built his temple there and the grave of Christ was nearby as well. The Al-Aqsa Mosque was built there in 637 as a symbol of victory of Islam over Christianity and the Jewish Fate. These facts made sure that this new shelter was of utmost symbolic meaning for Christians as well as Jews and for Islamic people too. It was the preferred place for Pilgrimage and in that vein it was considered as the centre of the world.

This is where "The Order of the Poor Knights of Christ" established themselves and henceforth they were called: "Knights Templar", which we can consider: the Warrior Monks of Europe.

Official Recognition: The Council of Troyes
For Jerusalem (or: Ierosalym) was in need of re-inforcements it was decided that a number of monks amongst which: Hugo de Payens-the first master of the Knights Templar, and Godfried van Sint-Omaars, should be sent to the West to get official recognition from the Church and obtain material and new recruits. This Council took place in 1129, and there the "Primitive Rule" was established for the Knights Templar, this rule was closer to the rule of Benedictus-which is more according to the rule of the Cistercian Monks. Later Bernard de Clairvaux wrote the letter:
"De Laude Novae Militiae", this letter boosted the Templars towards fame and fortune.

Extension of their tasks
Apart from the defense and protection of Pilgrims the Knights Templar also had a new task: protection of the Holy places against those who attack them. This is a crucial shift, from protecting pilgrims against small groups of bandits to organised defense and battle against standing armies, or, at least, larger groups of opponents. It at least got the Order further and deeper involved than what was originally set out as their main goal.

The white habit and the Red cross and dark habits
Now they were also awarded the right to wear a white habit with a red shouldercross.
A white habit, in the Monastic world, stood for chastity and for swearing the Eternal Monastic Vows. It is often thought that all Templars wore white habits. This is not necessarily true. Only Templars who swore vows of chastity and who lived in chastity were allowed to wear white habits. Other Templars, for example, if they were married, wore other colours like: dark brown, of dark blue. (Except the Knights Hospitallers who wore mostly black, with a white eight-pointed cross)

Lands and Priories
from now on noblemen donated land and the Knights Templar obtained preceptories. And these were a good source of income, logistics and support for the protection of the Pilgrims places in the Holy Land.

Later on, other articles will appear. The above is about the beginning.

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